C++11 library for paged memory management, function queues, heterogeneous queues and lifo memory management
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
density Namespace Reference


struct  add_cv_qual
class  basic_default_allocator
class  conc_function_queue
class  conc_heter_queue
struct  cv_qual_of
class  default_busy_wait
class  dynamic_reference
class  f_alignment
class  f_copy_assign
class  f_copy_construct
class  f_default_construct
class  f_destroy
class  f_equal
class  f_hash
class  f_istream
class  f_less
class  f_move_assign
struct  f_move_construct
struct  f_none
class  f_ostream
class  f_rtti
class  f_size
struct  feature_list
class  function_queue
struct  has_features
class  heter_queue
struct  is_dynamic_reference
class  lf_function_queue
class  lf_heter_queue
class  lifo_allocator
class  lifo_array
class  lifo_buffer
class  runtime_type
class  sp_function_queue
class  sp_heter_queue


using default_allocator = basic_default_allocator< default_page_capacity >
using data_stack_underlying_allocator = basic_default_allocator< default_page_capacity >
template<typename TYPE >
using optional = builtin_optional< TYPE >
template<typename TYPE , cv_qual CV>
using add_cv_qual_t = typename add_cv_qual< TYPE, CV >::type
template<typename RUNTIME_TYPE = runtime_type<>>
using const_dynamic_reference = dynamic_reference< RUNTIME_TYPE, cv_qual::const_qual >
template<typename RUNTIME_TYPE = runtime_type<>>
using volatile_dynamic_reference = dynamic_reference< RUNTIME_TYPE, cv_qual::volatile_qual >
template<typename RUNTIME_TYPE = runtime_type<>>
using const_volatile_dynamic_reference = dynamic_reference< RUNTIME_TYPE, cv_qual::const_volatile_qual >
using default_type_features = feature_list< f_size, f_alignment, f_copy_construct, f_move_construct, f_rtti, f_destroy >


enum  concurrency_cardinality { concurrency_single, concurrency_multiple }
enum  consistency_model { consistency_relaxed, consistency_sequential }
enum  progress_guarantee { progress_blocking, progress_obstruction_free, progress_lock_free, progress_wait_free }
enum  function_type_erasure { function_standard_erasure, function_manual_clear }
enum  cv_qual { no_qual = 0, const_qual = 1, volatile_qual = 2, const_volatile_qual = 3 }


constexpr bool is_power_of_2 (size_t i_number) noexcept
bool address_is_aligned (const void *i_address, size_t i_alignment) noexcept
template<typename UINT >
bool uint_is_aligned (UINT i_uint, UINT i_alignment) noexcept
void * address_add (void *i_address, size_t i_offset) noexcept
const void * address_add (const void *i_address, size_t i_offset) noexcept
void * address_sub (void *i_address, size_t i_offset) noexcept
const void * address_sub (const void *i_address, size_t i_offset) noexcept
uintptr_t address_diff (const void *i_end_address, const void *i_start_address) noexcept
void * address_lower_align (void *i_address, size_t i_alignment) noexcept
const void * address_lower_align (const void *i_address, size_t i_alignment) noexcept
void * address_lower_align (void *i_address, size_t i_alignment, size_t i_alignment_offset) noexcept
const void * address_lower_align (const void *i_address, size_t i_alignment, size_t i_alignment_offset) noexcept
void * address_upper_align (void *i_address, size_t i_alignment) noexcept
const void * address_upper_align (const void *i_address, size_t i_alignment) noexcept
template<typename UINT >
constexpr UINT uint_upper_align (UINT i_uint, size_t i_alignment) noexcept
template<typename UINT >
constexpr UINT uint_lower_align (UINT i_uint, size_t i_alignment) noexcept
void * address_upper_align (void *i_address, size_t i_alignment, size_t i_alignment_offset) noexcept
const void * address_upper_align (const void *i_address, size_t i_alignment, size_t i_alignment_offset) noexcept
void * aligned_allocate (size_t i_size, size_t i_alignment, size_t i_alignment_offset=0)
void * try_aligned_allocate (size_t i_size, size_t i_alignment, size_t i_alignment_offset=0) noexcept
void aligned_deallocate (void *i_block, size_t i_size, size_t i_alignment, size_t i_alignment_offset=0) noexcept
constexpr bool is_less_or_equal_cv_qualified (cv_qual i_first, cv_qual i_second) noexcept
constexpr bool is_less_cv_qualified (cv_qual i_first, cv_qual i_second) noexcept
template<typename... FEATURES, typename = typename std::enable_if<has_features<feature_list<FEATURES...>, f_istream>::value>::type>
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &i_source_stream, const dynamic_reference< runtime_type< FEATURES... >> &i_ptr)
template<typename... FEATURES, typename = typename std::enable_if<has_features<feature_list<FEATURES...>, f_ostream>::value>::type>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &i_dest_stream, const dynamic_reference< runtime_type< FEATURES... >> &i_ref)
template<typename TYPE >
TYPE raw_atomic_load (TYPE const *i_atomic, std::memory_order i_memory_order=std::memory_order_seq_cst) noexcept=delete
template<typename TYPE >
void raw_atomic_store (TYPE *i_atomic, TYPE i_value, std::memory_order i_memory_order=std::memory_order_seq_cst) noexcept=delete
template<typename TYPE >
bool raw_atomic_compare_exchange_strong (TYPE *i_atomic, TYPE *i_expected, TYPE i_desired, std::memory_order i_success, std::memory_order i_failure) noexcept=delete
template<typename TYPE >
bool raw_atomic_compare_exchange_weak (TYPE *i_atomic, TYPE *i_expected, TYPE i_desired, std::memory_order i_success, std::memory_order i_failure) noexcept=delete
template<typename TYPE >
bool raw_atomic_compare_exchange_strong (TYPE *i_atomic, TYPE *i_expected, TYPE i_desired, std::memory_order i_memory_order=std::memory_order_seq_cst) noexcept
template<typename TYPE >
bool raw_atomic_compare_exchange_weak (TYPE *i_atomic, TYPE *i_expected, TYPE i_desired, std::memory_order i_memory_order=std::memory_order_seq_cst) noexcept


constexpr char version [] = "2.0.0"
constexpr size_t destructive_interference_size = 64
constexpr size_t default_page_capacity = 1024 * 64
constexpr bool enable_relaxed_atomics = false

Detailed Description

namespace density

Typedef Documentation

Specialization of basic_default_allocator that uses density::default_page_capacity as page capacity.

Allocator type the data stack is built upon. It must satisfy the requirements of both UntypedAllocator and PagedAllocator

using optional = builtin_optional<TYPE>

Alias to an implementation of optional. By default a minimal implementation of optional is used, but it can be replaced by the C++17 standard one, if available.

using add_cv_qual_t = typename add_cv_qual<TYPE, CV>::type

Adds a cv-qualification to a type. Alias for add_cv_qual.


static_assert(std::is_same<add_cv_qual_t<int, cv_qual::no_qual>, int>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<add_cv_qual_t<int *, cv_qual::const_qual>, int * const>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<add_cv_qual_t<int &, cv_qual::const_qual>, int &>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<add_cv_qual_t<const int, cv_qual::const_qual>, const int>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<add_cv_qual_t<const int, cv_qual::volatile_qual>, const volatile int>::value, "");

Type alias template for the class template that sets the qv-qualification to cv_qual::const_qual.

Type alias template for the class template that sets the qv-qualification to cv_qual::volatile_qual.

Type alias template for the class template that sets the qv-qualification to cv_qual::const_volatile_qual.

feature_list used by default by runtime_type

Enumeration Type Documentation

Specifies whether a set of functions actually support concurrency


Functions with this concurrent cardinality can be called by only one thread, or by multiple threads if externally synchronized.


Multiple threads can call the functions with this concurrent cardinality without external synchronization.

Specifies which guarantee is provided on the order in which actions on a data structure are observable.


The order in which actions happens (or are observable) is not defined and may vary from one thread to another. A single thread may observe its own actions out of order.


A total ordering exists of all actions on a data structure. Given three actions A, B and C, if A happens before B, and B happens before C, the A happens before C.

Specifies which guarantee an algorithm on a concurrent data struct provides about the progress and the completion of the work.

Members are sorted so that lower values specifies weaker guarantee. Progress guarantees are cumulative: the guarantee G provides all the guarantees less than G.

Dead locks and priority inversion may happen only in blocking algorithms.



The calling thread may wait for other threads to finish their work. Blocking algorithms usually protects shared data with a mutex.


If all other threads are suspended, the calling thread is guaranteed to finish its work in a finite number of steps.


In case of contention, in a finite number of steps at least one thread finishes the work.


The calling thread completes the work in a finite number of steps, independently from the other threads.

Specifies a set of features provided by the built-in type erasure system for callable objects


Callable objects can be invoked-destroyed (i.e. consumed), and just destroyed (i.e. discarded). No copy or move is supported.


Callable objects only support invoke-destroy (i.e. consume). Destruction without invocation is not supported.

enum cv_qual

Defines a cv-qualification, that describes if a type is const, volatile, both or none.


no qualification


const qualification


volatile qualification


const and volatile qualification

Function Documentation

constexpr bool density::is_power_of_2 ( size_t  i_number)

Returns true whether the given unsigned integer number is a power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, ...)

i_numbermust be > 0, otherwise the behavior is undefined
bool density::address_is_aligned ( const void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment 

Returns true whether the given address has the specified alignment

i_addressaddress to be checked
i_alignmentmust be > 0 and a power of 2
bool density::uint_is_aligned ( UINT  i_uint,
UINT  i_alignment 

Returns true whether the given unsigned integer has the specified alignment

i_uintinteger to be checked
i_alignmentmust be > 0 and a power of 2
void* density::address_add ( void *  i_address,
size_t  i_offset 

Adds an offset to a pointer.

i_addresssource address
i_offsetnumber to add to the address
i_address plus i_offset
const void* density::address_add ( const void *  i_address,
size_t  i_offset 

Adds an offset to a pointer.

i_addresssource address
i_offsetnumber to add to the address
i_address plus i_offset
void* density::address_sub ( void *  i_address,
size_t  i_offset 

Subtracts an offset from a pointer

i_addresssource address
i_offsetnumber to subtract from the address
i_address minus i_offset
const void* density::address_sub ( const void *  i_address,
size_t  i_offset 

Subtracts an offset from a pointer

i_addresssource address
i_offsetnumber to subtract from the address
i_address minus i_offset
uintptr_t density::address_diff ( const void *  i_end_address,
const void *  i_start_address 

Computes the unsigned difference between two pointers. The first must be above or equal to the second.

i_end_addressfirst address
i_start_addresssecond address
i_end_address minus i_start_address
void* density::address_lower_align ( void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment 

Returns the biggest aligned address lesser than or equal to a given address

i_addressaddress to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2.
the aligned address
const void* density::address_lower_align ( const void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment 

Returns the biggest aligned address lesser than or equal to a given address

i_addressaddress to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2.
the aligned address
void* density::address_lower_align ( void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment,
size_t  i_alignment_offset 

Returns the biggest address lesser than the first parameter, such that i_address + i_alignment_offset is aligned

i_addressaddress to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2
i_alignment_offsetalignment offset
the result address
const void* density::address_lower_align ( const void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment,
size_t  i_alignment_offset 

Returns the biggest address lesser than the first parameter, such that i_address + i_alignment_offset is aligned

i_addressaddress to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2
i_alignment_offsetalignment offset
the result address
void* density::address_upper_align ( void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment 

Returns the smallest aligned address greater than or equal to a given address

i_addressaddress to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2.
the aligned address
const void* density::address_upper_align ( const void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment 

Returns the smallest aligned address greater than or equal to a given address

i_addressaddress to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2.
the aligned address
constexpr UINT density::uint_upper_align ( UINT  i_uint,
size_t  i_alignment 

Returns the smallest aligned integer greater than or equal to a given address

i_uintinteger to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2.
the aligned address
constexpr UINT density::uint_lower_align ( UINT  i_uint,
size_t  i_alignment 

Returns the biggest aligned address lesser than or equal to a given address

i_uintinteger to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2.
the aligned address
void* density::address_upper_align ( void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment,
size_t  i_alignment_offset 

Returns the smallest address greater than the first parameter, such that i_address + i_alignment_offset is aligned

i_addressaddress to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2
i_alignment_offsetalignment offset
the result address
const void* density::address_upper_align ( const void *  i_address,
size_t  i_alignment,
size_t  i_alignment_offset 

Returns the smallest address greater than the first parameter, such that i_address + i_alignment_offset is aligned

i_addressaddress to be aligned
i_alignmentalignment required from the pointer. It must be an integer power of 2
i_alignment_offsetalignment offset
the result address
void* density::aligned_allocate ( size_t  i_size,
size_t  i_alignment,
size_t  i_alignment_offset = 0 

Uses the global operator new to allocate a memory block with at least the specified size and alignment

i_sizesize of the requested memory block, in bytes
i_alignmentalignment of the requested memory block, in bytes
i_alignment_offsetoffset of the block to be aligned, in bytes. The alignment is guaranteed only at i_alignment_offset from the beginning of the block.
address of the new memory block
The behavior is undefined if either:
  • i_alignment is zero or it is not an integer power of 2
  • i_size is not a multiple of i_alignment
  • i_alignment_offset is greater than i_size

A violation of any precondition results in undefined behavior.

Throws: std::bad_alloc if the allocation fails
Progress guarantee: the same of the built-in operator new (usually blocking)

The content of the newly allocated block is undefined.

void* density::try_aligned_allocate ( size_t  i_size,
size_t  i_alignment,
size_t  i_alignment_offset = 0 

Uses the global operator new to try to allocate a memory block with at least the specified size and alignment. Returns nullptr in case of failure.

i_sizesize of the requested memory block, in bytes
i_alignmentalignment of the requested memory block, in bytes
i_alignment_offsetoffset of the block to be aligned, in bytes. The alignment is guaranteed only at i_alignment_offset from the beginning of the block.
address of the new memory block, or nullptr in case of failure
The behavior is undefined if either:
  • i_alignment is zero or it is not an integer power of 2
  • i_size is not a multiple of i_alignment
  • i_alignment_offset is greater than i_size

A violation of any precondition results in undefined behavior.

Throws: nothing
Progress guarantee: the same of the built-in operator new (usually blocking)

The content of the newly allocated block is undefined.

void density::aligned_deallocate ( void *  i_block,
size_t  i_size,
size_t  i_alignment,
size_t  i_alignment_offset = 0 

Deallocates a memory block allocated by aligned_allocate, using the global operator delete. After the call any access to the memory block results in undefined behavior.

i_blockblock to deallocate, or nullptr.
i_sizesize of the block to deallocate, in bytes.
i_alignmentalignment of the memory block.
i_alignment_offsetoffset of the alignment
The behavior is undefined if either:
  • i_block is not a memory block allocated by the function allocate
  • i_size, i_alignment and i_alignment_offset are not the same specified when the block was allocated

Throws: nothing
Progress guarantee: the same of the built-in operator delete (usually blocking)

If i_block is nullptr, the call has no effect.

constexpr bool density::is_less_or_equal_cv_qualified ( cv_qual  i_first,
cv_qual  i_second 

Returns true if the first operand is less than or equal to the second one according to the partial ordering of cv qualifications.

  • If the two operands are equal the return value is true
  • if the first is const and the second one is not, the return value is false.
  • if the first is volatile and the second one is not, the return value is false.

Given two reference types T1 and T2, this function can be used to determine whether a variable of type T1 can be initialized with an expression of type T2:

static_assert(std::is_constructible<T1, T2>::value ==
cv_qual_of<typename std::remove_reference<T2>::type>::value,
cv_qual_of<typename std::remove_reference<T1>::type>::value), "");


constexpr bool density::is_less_cv_qualified ( cv_qual  i_first,
cv_qual  i_second 

Returns true if the first operand is less than the second one according to the partial ordering of cv qualifications.

  • If the two operands are equal the return value is false
  • if the first is const and the second one is not, the return value is false.
  • if the first is volatile and the second one is not, the return value is false.


std::istream& density::operator>> ( std::istream &  i_source_stream,
const dynamic_reference< runtime_type< FEATURES... >> &  i_ptr 

Reads the target object of a dynamic_reference that supports the feature f_ostream from an std::istream. If the feature f_ostream is supported by the runtime_type, this function does not participate in overload in overload resolution. Note: the dynamic_reference must be bound to a valid target of the correct type before the function is called.


std::istringstream source("1");
int t = 2;
dynamic_reference<RT> r(t);
source >> r;
assert(t == 1);

Throws: unspecified

std::ostream& density::operator<< ( std::ostream &  i_dest_stream,
const dynamic_reference< runtime_type< FEATURES... >> &  i_ref 

Writes the target object of a dynamic_reference that supports the feature f_ostream to an std::ostream. If the feature f_ostream is supported by the runtime_type, this function does not participate in overload in overload resolution.


std::ostringstream dest;
int t = 1;
dynamic_reference<RT> r(t);
dest << r;
assert(dest.str() == "1");

Throws: unspecified

TYPE density::raw_atomic_load ( TYPE const *  i_atomic,
std::memory_order  i_memory_order = std::memory_order_seq_cst 

Similar to std::atomic_load but operates on fundamental types. This function has a limited support: availability depends on the compiler, the target architecture, and the type of the variable.
Overloads not available are declared as deleted.

Compiler Platform Types
msc x86 uint32_t
msc x64 uint32_t, uint64_t
g++/clang any uintptr_t
void density::raw_atomic_store ( TYPE *  i_atomic,
TYPE  i_value,
std::memory_order  i_memory_order = std::memory_order_seq_cst 

Similar to std::atomic_store but operates on fundamental types. This function has a limited support: availability depends on the compiler, the target architecture, and the type of the variable.
Overloads not available are declared as deleted.

Compiler Platform Types
msc x86 uint32_t
msc x64 uint32_t, uint64_t
g++/clang any uintptr_t
bool density::raw_atomic_compare_exchange_strong ( TYPE *  i_atomic,
TYPE *  i_expected,
TYPE  i_desired,
std::memory_order  i_success,
std::memory_order  i_failure 

Similar to std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong but operates on fundamental types. This function has a limited support: availability depends on the compiler, the target architecture, and the type of the variable.
Overloads not available are declared as deleted.

Compiler Platform Types
msc x86 uint32_t
msc x64 uint32_t, uint64_t
g++/clang any uintptr_t
bool density::raw_atomic_compare_exchange_weak ( TYPE *  i_atomic,
TYPE *  i_expected,
TYPE  i_desired,
std::memory_order  i_success,
std::memory_order  i_failure 

Similar to std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak but operates on fundamental types. This function has a limited support: availability depends on the compiler, the target architecture, and the type of the variable.
Overloads not available are declared as deleted.

Compiler Platform Types
msc x86 uint32_t
msc x64 uint32_t, uint64_t
g++/clang any uintptr_t
bool density::raw_atomic_compare_exchange_strong ( TYPE *  i_atomic,
TYPE *  i_expected,
TYPE  i_desired,
std::memory_order  i_memory_order = std::memory_order_seq_cst 

Similar to std::atomic_compare_exchange_strong but operates on fundamental types. This function has a limited support: availability depends on the compiler, the target architecture, and the type of the variable.
Overloads not available are declared as deleted.

Compiler Platform Types
msc x86 uint32_t
msc x64 uint32_t, uint64_t
g++/clang any uintptr_t
bool density::raw_atomic_compare_exchange_weak ( TYPE *  i_atomic,
TYPE *  i_expected,
TYPE  i_desired,
std::memory_order  i_memory_order = std::memory_order_seq_cst 

Similar to std::atomic_compare_exchange_weak but operates on fundamental types. This function has a limited support: availability depends on the compiler, the target architecture, and the type of the variable.
Overloads not available are declared as deleted.

Compiler Platform Types
msc x86 uint32_t
msc x64 uint32_t, uint64_t
g++/clang any uintptr_t

Variable Documentation

constexpr char version[] = "2.0.0"

string decimal variant of DENSITY_VERSION. The length of this string may change between versions. Example of value: "7.240.22"

constexpr size_t destructive_interference_size = 64

Alignment used by some concurrent data structure to avoid false sharing of cache lines. It must be a power of 2.

This is a configuration variable, intended to be customized by the user of the library. The default value is 64.

If a C++17 compiler is available, this constant may be defined as std::hardware_destructive_interference_size.

constexpr size_t default_page_capacity = 1024 * 64

Capacity (in bytes) of the pages managed by density::default_allocator. Note: the actual usable size is slightly smaller. This constant must be a power of 2.

This is a configuration variable, intended to be customized by the user of the library. The default value is 1024 * 64.

constexpr bool enable_relaxed_atomics = false

In this version of the library relaxed atomic operations are disabled. Concurrently data structures has been tested on x86-x64, but not on architectures with weak memory ordering. If you want to contribute to density, running the tests on other architectures, you can change this constant.