C++11 library for paged memory management, function queues, heterogeneous queues and lifo memory management

Benchmarks of lifo_array

In this tests lifo_array is compared with a legacy heap array, the function _alloca, and the function _malloca (a Microsoft-specific safer version). A comparison with std::vector wouldn't be fair because std::vector value-initializes the elements even if they are pod types, while lifo_array doesn't.

The benchmark is composed by two tests:

Summary of the results

All the tests are compiled with Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.1), and executed on Windows 10 with an int Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, 2808 Mhz, 4 cores, 8 logical processors. The benchmarks of the whole library are shuffled and interleaved at the granularity of a single invocation with a given cardinality, and every invocation occurs 8 times.

The results are quite noisy: there are two separate classes of players, but no clear winner in each of them.

Generated code for lifo_array

Visual Stdio 2017 translates the source code of the first test:

lifo_array<char> chars(i_cardinality);
volatile char c = 0;
chars[0] = c;

to this x64 code:

lifo_array<char> chars(i_cardinality);
00007FF636BD8C5F mov rax,qword ptr gs:[58h]
00007FF636BD8C68 lea rdi,[rdx+7]
00007FF636BD8C6C and rdi,0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF8h
00007FF636BD8C70 mov ebx,128h
00007FF636BD8C75 add rbx,qword ptr [rax]
00007FF636BD8C78 mov rdx,qword ptr [rbx]
00007FF636BD8C7B mov rcx,rdx
00007FF636BD8C7E and rcx,0FFFFFFFFFFFF0000h
00007FF636BD8C85 lea r8,[rdi+rdx]
00007FF636BD8C89 mov rax,r8
00007FF636BD8C8C sub rax,rcx
00007FF636BD8C8F cmp rax,0FFF0h
00007FF636BD8C95 jb <lambda_b8a4ec06313d93817536a7cf8b449dcc>::operator()+57h (07FF636BD8CA7h)
00007FF636BD8C97 mov rdx,rdi
00007FF636BD8C9A mov rcx,rbx
00007FF636BD8C9D call density::lifo_allocator<density::basic_default_allocator<65536>,8>::allocate_slow_path (07FF636BD9220h)
00007FF636BD8CA2 mov rdx,rax
00007FF636BD8CA5 jmp <lambda_b8a4ec06313d93817536a7cf8b449dcc>::operator()+5Ah (07FF636BD8CAAh)
00007FF636BD8CA7 mov qword ptr [rbx],r8
volatile char c = 0;
00007FF636BD8CAA mov byte ptr [rsp+30h],0
chars[0] = c;
00007FF636BD8CAF movzx eax,byte ptr [c]
00007FF636BD8CB4 mov byte ptr [rdx],al
}, __LINE__);
00007FF636BD8CB6 mov rax,qword ptr [rbx]
00007FF636BD8CB9 xor rax,rdx
00007FF636BD8CBC test rax,0FFFFFFFFFFFF0000h
00007FF636BD8CC2 je <lambda_b8a4ec06313d93817536a7cf8b449dcc>::operator()+89h (07FF636BD8CD9h)
00007FF636BD8CC4 mov r8,rdi
00007FF636BD8CC7 mov rcx,rbx
00007FF636BD8CCA mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+38h]
00007FF636BD8CCF add rsp,20h
00007FF636BD8CD3 pop rdi
00007FF636BD8CD4 jmp density::lifo_allocator<density::basic_default_allocator<65536>,8>::deallocate_slow_path (07FF636BD9190h)
00007FF636BD8CD9 mov qword ptr [rbx],rdx
00007FF636BD8CDC mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+38h]

The branch after cmp and the one after test skip the slow paths. They are always taken unless a page switch is required, or the requested block does not fit in a page (in which case the block is allocated in the heap). The branch predictor of the cpu should do a good job here.

Note that the first instructions align the size of the block to 8 bytes.

The source code of second test:

lifo_array<double> chars(i_cardinality);
volatile double c = 0;
chars[0] = c;

is translated to:

00007FF636BD907F mov rax,qword ptr gs:[58h]
00007FF636BD9088 lea rdi,[rdx*8]
00007FF636BD9090 mov ebx,128h
00007FF636BD9095 add rbx,qword ptr [rax]
00007FF636BD9098 mov rdx,qword ptr [rbx]
00007FF636BD909B mov rcx,rdx
00007FF636BD909E and rcx,0FFFFFFFFFFFF0000h
00007FF636BD90A5 lea r8,[rdx+rdi]
00007FF636BD90A9 mov rax,r8
00007FF636BD90AC sub rax,rcx
00007FF636BD90AF cmp rax,0FFF0h
00007FF636BD90B5 jb <lambda_c7840347498da9fa856125956fe6e478>::operator()+57h (07FF636BD90C7h)
00007FF636BD90B7 mov rdx,rdi
00007FF636BD90BA mov rcx,rbx
00007FF636BD90BD call density::lifo_allocator<density::basic_default_allocator<65536>,8>::allocate_slow_path (07FF636BD9220h)
00007FF636BD90C2 mov rdx,rax
00007FF636BD90C5 jmp <lambda_c7840347498da9fa856125956fe6e478>::operator()+5Ah (07FF636BD90CAh)
00007FF636BD90C7 mov qword ptr [rbx],r8
00007FF636BD90CA xorps xmm0,xmm0
volatile double c = 0;
00007FF636BD90CD movsd mmword ptr [rsp+30h],xmm0
chars[0] = c;
00007FF636BD90D3 movsd xmm1,mmword ptr [c]
}, __LINE__);
00007FF636BD90D9 mov rax,qword ptr [rbx]
00007FF636BD90DC xor rax,rdx
chars[0] = c;
00007FF636BD90DF movsd mmword ptr [rdx],xmm1
}, __LINE__);
00007FF636BD90E3 test rax,0FFFFFFFFFFFF0000h
00007FF636BD90E9 je <lambda_c7840347498da9fa856125956fe6e478>::operator()+90h (07FF636BD9100h)
00007FF636BD90EB mov r8,rdi
00007FF636BD90EE mov rcx,rbx
00007FF636BD90F1 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+38h]
00007FF636BD90F6 add rsp,20h
00007FF636BD90FA pop rdi
00007FF636BD90FB jmp density::lifo_allocator<density::basic_default_allocator<65536>,8>::deallocate_slow_path (07FF636BD9190h)
00007FF636BD9100 mov qword ptr [rbx],rdx
00007FF636BD9103 mov rbx,qword ptr [rsp+38h]

In this case the size of the array is always aligned to 8 bytes, so there is some less ALU instructions.

Results of the first test


Results of the second test
